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The decree of the President of the Russian Federation № 473
from April, 19th, 2010
About rewarding by the state awards
of the Russian Federation:

For merits in pedagogical and educational activity
and a long-term honest work
to appropriate a honorary title
to MASSIK Nina Aleksandrovna
– the teacher of the state educational establishment
«The Average comprehensive school № 506
with the profound studying German language»
the Kirov area of St.-Petersburg.

The president of the Russian Federation D.Medvedev.
Moscow. The Kremlin.


On September, 2nd, 2010
governor Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko
has handed over the award in the White hall of a palace Smolny.

Speaking about activity of teachers, it has noted:
«All of you are worthy the warmest words of gratitude.
owing to your pedagogical talent,
to your selfless work,
Petersburg by the right is considered the leader of the Russian formation.
you have deserved a recognition not only your pupils and their parents,
your colleagues, but also the state».
the Governor has informed, that up to the end of 2010 in our city the monument to the Teacher will be established,
and nearby восьмисот teachers will be received with apartments
under the program of granting of habitation for workers of budgetary sphere.
V.Matvienko has emphasized Century, that many of the teachers noted by awards have devoted to school not one decade of a working career.
the governor has wished noted by awards of new achievements and successes
in their hard, but honourable work.

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